Set in a future where humanity has reached the farthest corners of the galaxy, “Island in the Stars” promises to captivate audiences with its innovative storytelling, mind-bending visuals, and thought-provoking themes. The film’s creative team, with their extensive experience in the industry, aims to take the sci-fi genre to new heights, offering a fresh and original take on the human spirit’s exploration of the cosmos. Vernon Wells, known for his exceptional performances in iconic films like “The Road Warrior” and “Commando,” brings his unique charisma to the project as both a producer and actor. Director and co-writer Tom Konkle, celebrated for his work in indie cinema, pairs his creative genius with Lucinda Bruce’s visionary producing skills to ensure “Island in the Stars” becomes an indie film cinematic experience like no other.
Co-writer Michael Smith’s expertise in visual effects will bring the universe of the film to life in astonishing detail, promising to transport viewers to a world beyond imagination. The team’s decision to crowdfund the project on Indiegogo comes from their desire to involve fans and enthusiasts in every step of the filmmaking process. “Island in the Stars” offers backers a chance to be part of a movement that reshapes sci-fi storytelling, emphasizing the power of collective creativity.
Supporters of the campaign will gain access to exclusive rewards, including digital downloads of the film, limited-edition merchandise, behind-the-scenes content, and even opportunities to appear as extras in the film itself. By contributing to the campaign, backers become integral players in bringing this ambitious vision to the silver screen. “We believe in the power of storytelling to inspire, challenge, and unite audiences,” said Konkle. “With ‘Island in the Stars,’ we’re pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the sci-fi genre. We invite film enthusiasts, science fiction fans, and anyone who values independent cinema to join us on this incredible journey.” The crowdfunding campaign for “Island in the Stars” is now live on Indiegogo and is set to run for 45 days. The filmmakers are excited to witness the impact of the collective effort and creativity of supporters as they work together to bring this one-of-a-kind film to fruition.