By Travis Johnson

With the new web drama web series, Deadlock, filming in the Northern Rivers area this July, the time is ripe for emerging local filmmakers to gain valuable on set experience.

With that in mind, Screenworks have partnered with Deadlock producers Every Cloud Productions to create the Deadlock Attachment Program, which will allow for up to nine young screen practitioners to work alongside professional crew members on the shoot.

For funding, philathropic support is being sought from local businesses and institutions. Due to Screenworks’ listing on the Register of Cultural Organisations, all donations to this program will be tax deductible.

“We need to raise around $45,000 to be able to deliver all aspects of this exciting new program” said Screenworks General Manager, Ken Crouch. “This is a new innovative way of funding career opportunities for young people in our region.

“We are so pleased that a number of generous supporters have contacted us directly and come on board so quickly, it demonstrates the desire to help young local people find jobs and to leverage the opportunity to make the most of this series being made in in our region. We just need a few more donations to help make this a reality. We encourage anyone who is interested in investing in the careers of young people in our region to contact Screenworks to find out how to get involved.”

Donations to Screenworks’ Deadlock Attachment Program can be made here. For more info on the Deadlock Attachment Program, shoot over to the Screenworks site.



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