By Travis Johnson

One of the most emotionally affecting scenes in Episode IV is when all the X-Wing and Y-Wing pilots are doing the “…standing by.” count off before the attack on the Death Star – you know most of those guys aren’t coming home, but they’re all in because it’s the right thing to do. Well, judging by this trailer, Rogue One is an entire movie set in that emotional tone. This is a grunt’s-eye view of the Rebellion.

Remember, there’s no guarantee that any of these characters are coming out the other side in one piece – there’s no direct sequel demand, and they certainly – Mon Mothma and a certain heavy-breathing gentleman aside – don’t crop up in any extant films further down the timeline. That means anyone could die – Felicity Jones’ plucky rebel, Donnie Yen’s blind martial artist, Riz Ahmed’s brash pilot – could wind up on the casualty list, and that lends a frisson that’s rare in the modern blockbuster milieu. (It’s a lesson Suicide Squad could have learned, too – it’s right there in the title, guys).

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story arrives in theaters December 16, 2016.

  • Christine
    12 August 2016 at 10:09 pm

    Good points about the emotional tone, and looks like good casting decisions, esp Felicity and Diego, they both come across as very relatable even when bombarded with SFX. It’s a long way from J Binks….

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