Salt in My Soul is the memoir-turned-documentary of Mallory Smith, through her battle with resistant infections as a cystic fibrosis patient. Diagnosed with cystic fibrosis at the age of 3, Mallory turned to a secret diary to record her inner thoughts. Using that treasure trove of writing, and hours of audio and video discovered after her untimely death, the film is a classic coming of age story about choosing to live mindfully and joyously in the face of immense struggle.

Events will take place in Perth (March 3rd), Brisbane (March 7th), Adelaide (March 10th), Melbourne (March 14th) and Sydney (March 16th). Guests will also have the chance to engage in a panel discussion with Mallory’s parents Diane and Mark, Richard Alm from CARB-X and local superbug experts. Ticket proceeds go to Mallory’s Legacy Fund – which supports research and clinical trials in antimicrobial resistance and phage therapy.
