Showcasing the next generation of young Australian talent, Turn Up The Volume follows a group of female and gender non-conforming teenagers as they come together at music camp and form a rock band. When Vivi (Riya Mandrawa), Ginger (Elaine King), Breeze (Mira Russo), Hex (Erza James) and Jam (Ayiana Ncube) turn up to their first day at music camp, they’re a real mix of disillusioned, wildly enthusiastic and everything in between. But as this group of young musicians get to know each other, they discover the strength to define themselves on their own terms and find belonging in the embrace of a new community.
Starring alongside the impressive line-up of new talent are some well-known faces including Justine Clarke, Michala Banas, Kaiya Jones and Spencer McLaren.
Inspired by the coming-of-age documentary No Time For Quiet which showcases the first Girls Rock! Camp in Melbourne, Turn Up The Volume explores the power of music, friendship, and creativity as forces of transformation and connection.
Production Credits: A Matchbox Pictures and Film Camp production, with major production investment from Screen Australia and the ABC. Financed with support from VicScreen. Produced by Philippa Campey and Rachel Davis. Executive Producer Amanda Higgs. ABC Executive Producer Margaret Ross.
Matchbox Pictures is part of Universal International Studios, a division of Universal Studio Group.