by Benjamin Sawyer
Future All Star Cast
What makes Rounders stand out from the start, is the quality of actors who feature in the movie. Matt Damon, Ed Norton, and Famke Janssen all star in this movie. While they weren’t nobodies by any means, they weren’t quite the superstars that they ended up becoming. The movie was made before online gambling became such a global phenomenon, so it doesn’t cover online Poker in the movie, so if you want to learn more about it, you can check it out on this site.
As it’s set in 1998, when the movie was made, it does look a little bit dated in terms of how things are portrayed. However, this doesn’t take away from just how good this movie is. It’s very well made, and it is extremely well acted. It’s not just the quality of the movie that’s so impressive though, the little details are also highly important here.
World Series of Poker
The World Series of Poker is a huge deal for Poker players around the world. It’s massively popular, and it continuously brings in viewers to watch top Poker games. However, in 1998, it wasn’t such a big deal across the world. While it was a big thing in Poker circles, there wasn’t such a buzz surrounding it in mainstream circles. Matt Damon’s character has the final aim of making his way to the WSOP in Rounders, which means that the storyline is centred around the tour.
Damon plays a law student who is gifted at Poker. He loses big in an underground game, and he decides to quit Poker forever. The rest of the movie is all about him building himself back up to playing at a high level. This involves getting involved with dangerous criminals, losing a relationship, and finally making his way to the World Series of Poker.
This is what makes this movie a cult hit with Poker players. The Poker scenes are all crafted to show the games perfectly. It allows anyone who enjoys Poker, to really get into the scenes and enjoy how they are played out. It also sees some absolutely fantastic acting from the main players in the movie.
Matt Damon and John Malkovich carry out most of the big scenes here. They battle in an intense game of Poker right at the end, which leads to an incredible conclusion. It’s fantastic to see a movie actually portray Poker in a realistic manner, and for such fantastic actors to carry out the scenes.
Is it Worth Watching if you don’t like Poker
The answer to this question, is a resounding yes. Even if you’re not a big fan of Poker, or even gambling, Rounders is still a movie that has a lot going for it. Viewers can really get taken in by the story it tells. It’s full of drama and excitement, which is always the benchmark when it comes to a good movie.
If you’re stuck for a movie to watch, or you want something to pass the time, then Rounders is definitely a good choice. Give it a try, you won’t regret it.