By The Movie Psychic

Logan (2017) is a reboot – not a sequel. It’s set after X-Men: Days Of Future Past (2014). Yes, X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) was so bad that even Marvel are pretending that it doesn’t exist. Logan is set in a world where the US isn’t the world’s superpower, Saudi Arabia is – and they want America’s oil. The Saudis are telling their own people that they want to liberate the West and spread their way of life – but really, they just want America’s oil. So now America is ruled by oil baron supervillains.

After mutants are forced to go into hiding, old man Logan tries to blend in by becoming a caravan real estate agent in Arizona. He attempts to go straight by growing a beard and frosted tips. But life selling caravans on vacant desert properties soon takes its hold.
Unhappy, Logan develops a drinking problem, and lives under the burden of that one particular caravan property that he could never sell. In an effort to get through his day to day existence, he ends up taking refuge there and becomes a hermit. The similarities are there, but Logan in no way resembles Blood Father, the last film to feature an Australian film star living in a caravan, with a beard.
Under the laws of Arizona, if you squat on a property long enough, you own it. Logan’s tin shed hide-out becomes his legal home, until a nasty, cybernetically enhanced oil baron turns up to claim it…and claim it with force. It turns out that Logan is sitting on millions of dollars of rich, crude oil. It’s his empire of dirt.
Professor X brings a mysterious young girl to Logan, saying, “She’s just like you. Very much like you.” It turns out that this girl too wants to become a real estate agent. But Logan won’t let that happen. It takes some convincing, but Logan ends up vowing to protect the girl from the cut-throat world of the Arizona real estate bubble.
Being a reboot, Logan is chock full of setups. The most obvious being the young girl destined to take Logan’s place and continue his work. Actress, Dafne Keen, delivers a tour de force performance, and will be the future staple of the X-Men franchise. At the tender age of thirteen, Keen is being pressured into signing a thirty-year contract with Marvel. Marvel also introduces their newest superhero to be thrown into the X-Men universe, The Invisible Man.
Professor X needs Wolverine to return and be the hero that the western world needs him to be. How much longer can the west be held under the boot of the middle east? A growing force of militant extremists are ruining everything!!! The west needs to break free and take back our land. And ex-real estate super mutant, Wolverine, is just the man to do it. Or is he? I don’t want to give it away, but Wolverine dies at the end. Then the young girl, X-23, promises to continue his work and reclaim her American land.
  • Colin Amer
    13 February 2017 at 5:44 pm

    This will have to be pretty fan tastic for me to go see it. A lot of shitty Wolverine movies with solid trailers released in the past.

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