Robert Zemeckis proves that he still remains a playful filmmaker who dares to experiment with the art form within mainstream Hollywood.
Robert Zemeckis
Robert Zemeckis' high concept new drama Here barely registered on its opening weekend, despite the starry cast, scraping in a few more dollars than the 15th anniversary of Coraline, which
... as engrossing as the visuals and soundtrack are, it’s a shame that the material underneath is so milquetoast.
“According to the tradition of Chinese ancestral veneration, living family members of the deceased have a responsibility to care for their family’s ghosts, and pay tribute to them by putting
It's a Forrest Gump reunion - Tom Hanks and Robin Wright star, Robert Zemeckis co-writes and directs, and Eric Roth co-writes, adapting Richard McGuire's graphic novel. The highest of high
The title of this review is a big claim, but twenty-five years on, the themes and issues Contact delves into, make it the most relevant sci-fi move ever made.