Beautifully played by an entirely female led cast, the story takes great strides in challenging the traditional definitions of family, while at the same time keeping the core narrative simple,
Asian Cinema
Those familiar with the series will get a kick out of seeing supporting faces fleshed out, while newcomers can safely get lost in a world that is equal parts goofy
… an exercise in balance … no matter which way you go with the film, you may end up wondering what could have been.
For those who have a higher tolerance for modern disaster cheese, this could be a decent pick for bad movie night.
… when it leans into both its intentional and unintentional insanity, it’s surprisingly fun.
... hollows out the possibility of communicating real intimacy and leaves only the poetics of the anxious mundane. Still, it’s mesmerizing in the most cinematic of ways.
It’s been a hot minute since 2D and 3D animation have melded together this smoothly in one of these legacy anime works.
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