... that rare modern shark movie that actually merits watching.
Period Film
… there is the pleasure not only of the beautiful Catalonian scenery but a quietly plangent tale of both human warmth and cruelty.
… balances a retro approach to onscreen romance, and indeed the romance of literally shooting for the stars, with well-earned moments of introspection and poking at the emphasis placed on
Screening at every significant film festival in Australia (MIFF, Flickerfest, St Kilda) and premiering internationally at Sitges, James Hunter's brooding and sinister short film was shot on 16mm by Campbell
The friends reunite for the first time since 2012’s A Royal Affair on The Promised Land aka Bastarden.
The actor reunites with his Infernal Affairs co-star Andy Lau for the ‘80s set tale of excess, The Goldfinger.
...tiptoes elegantly between farce and an account of a crime passionnel with plenty of delicious red herrings along the way.
… there are certainly laughs to be had. It’s just a shame that the final product leaves you as exhausted as its lead character.
The Production Designer embraced the opportunity of working with star/director Kenneth Branagh on A Haunting in Venice.
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