By Anthony O'Connor

South Park is 20 years old. Two decades and change. That’s a hell of a milestone for a show that began life as a joke animation and became one of the most beloved, controversial and weirdly influential satires on television.

The question has to be asked, then, is it still funny and does that translate into the video game medium? South Park’s most recent season, 20, was disappointing, due in no small part to the fact it had to be hastily rewritten to accommodate an unexpected Trump victory. But when life has become a South Park episode – replete with Nazis, insane despots and looming nuclear war – can Trey Parker and Matt Stone wring chuckles out of the absurd and extreme?

If the two hours I spent with South Park: The Fractured But Whole are any indication: fuck yeah! The premise of a group of fractured superheroes saving the world (and a missing cat) is well-realised and funny, and for every dud gag (eg: farts as a weapon) there’s some inspired lunacy involving battles with horny Catholic priests or rednecks attacking your avatar for identifying as non-binary.

It’s not subtle, and almost guaranteed to offend, but it’s gloriously over-the-top with a surprisingly nuanced combat system and upgrading options. Have a wee squiz at this here footage from a session at Ubisoft offices, cut together by Grizwords, and enjoy a peek into the deranged lunacy that will launch on October 17.



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