By Travis Johnson

In Kibwe Tavares’ science fiction fairy tale, a robot pop star (Holliday Grainger) falls in love with a wandering scarecrow (Jack O’Connell) at an outdoor music festival – but the course of true love is less than smooth, especially when battery life is a factor.

Robot & Scarecrow is about a lot of things – the commodification of talent, the disposable, transitory nature of fame and success, the illusion of time – all wrapped up in a striking visual palette that mixes the earthy textures of the festival with the new-car sheen of robotics. That’s par for the course for Tavares, who has been using robots as a metaphor and stunning CGI as a technique to tell stories about unrest, yearning and alienation for a while now – check out his Robots of Brixton embedded below. It won’t be long before he gets handed a feature, mark our words.

Robot & Scarecrow is produced by Daniel Emmerson, Conor McCaughan and Michael Fassbender via DMC Film. And yes, that is Get Out‘s Daniel Kaluuya you can hear.

Robot & Scarecrow


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