By Jackie Shannon

“Architecture is not an inspirational business, it’s a rational procedure to do sensible and hopefully beautiful things,” architect, Harry Seidler, once said. “That’s all.” He may have been a picture of humility, but Seidler is one of the most important figures in architectural Modernism. Seidler was born in Vienna, and fled as a teenager to England soon after Nazi Germany occupied Austria in 1938. He eventually ended up in Canada, but travelled to Australia at the behest of his mother (who had migrated there in 1946) to design her a house. The result was Rose Seidler House in Sydney’s Wahroonga, which still stands as one of this country’s most exquisite examples of mid-century design. Its popularity saw Seidler besieged with offers, and he eventually settled in Australia, designing many highly individualised buildings up until his death in 2006. Though regularly feted and awarded, Seidler was a controversial figure throughout his long career as he often publicly criticised planning authorities and the planning system in Sydney.

Fittingly, Harry Seidler will be getting the documentary profile treatment courtesy of director, Daryl Dellora, and ABC TV. Produced by Charlotte Seymour and Sue Maslin (The Dressmaker), the 55-minute Beyond Style: Seidler is the first documentary retrospective of Seidler’s architectural legacy, and is an intimate portrait of his extraordinary life and internationally recognised work. 2016 marks ten years since the death of Harry Seidler, and this timely documentary will deliver an exhilarating retrospective of Seidler’s architectural vision. Filming locations will include Melbourne, Sydney, Paris, London and Vienna, and featured interviewees include celebrated architects, Lord Norman Foster, Lord Richard Rogers, and Glenn Murcutt, as well as Jorn Utzon, Penelope Seidler, and others. “Good design doesn’t date,” Harry Seidler once said, and one glimpse at any of his creations will testify to that.

Beyond Style: Seidler will screen on ABC TV later this year.

  • Ruth Dwyer
    Ruth Dwyer
    21 October 2016 at 7:16 pm

    After the premiere, when & where will we be able to see the Harry Seidler documentary?


    • Dov Kornits
      Dov Kornits
      21 October 2016 at 7:47 pm

      Hi Ruth, we have interviewed Sue Maslin, the producer of the documentary, and will be running the story next week, and will announce all of those details in the process.

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