By Travis Johnson
The second feature from Melbourne filmmaker Donna McRae, Lost Gully Road follows Lucy (Adele Perovic), who finds herself isolated in the remote Australian rainforest after heightened circumstances force her to skip town. Physically and psychologically immobilised by fear and wrestling with extreme boredom on top of it, Lucy’s already tenuous mental health begins to crumble as we ask if her unseen visitor is a figment of her imagination or a very real threat to her safety. Lost Gully Road also features screen veterans Jane Clifton and John Brumpton, and a musical score by Clare Moore and Dave Graney.
A moody, Gothic follow up to 2011’s acclaimed Johnny Ghost, Lost Gully Road is another look at a haunted woman struggling with issues of control, identity, reality, and history.
Lost Gully Road is screening at Perth’s Revelation Film Festival on Sunday July 15 and Tuesday July 17th, both at Luna Leederville, before hopping over to Melbourne’s Cinema Nova on Tuesday, July 24, for a special Meet the Filmmaker screening moderated by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas, featuring writer/director Donna McRae, producer Liz Baulch and composers Clare Moore and Dave Graney. A new trailer is imminent – in meantime, soak in the new poster: