by FilmInk Staff
Felicity Ward plays the first female boss, Hannah Howard, in The Office franchise. Judging by the trailer launched today, casting a female boss could be the masterstroke to the show’s success, developed by writers Julie De Fina (Aftertaste) and Jackie van Beek (The Breaker Upperers), directed by van Beek and Christiaan Van Vuuren and Jesse Griffin (Educators), with lead producer Sophia Zachariou for Bunya Productions.
Pictured are cast members Sebastian Roy, Susan Ling Young, Josh Thomson, Edith Poor, Felicity Ward, Shari Sebbens, Steen Raskopoulos, Jonny Brugh and Lucy Schmidt, with the show also featuring Zoe Terakes, Raj Labade, Pallavi Sharda, Claude Jabbour, Jason Perini, with guest stars Susie Youssef, Justin Rosniak, Carlo Ritchie, Chris Bunton and Rick Donald.
Premieres 18 October 2024 around the world (apart from the US).