Gregory Mcdonald's iconic smartarse spy character, famously brought to life by Chevy Chase in 1980s, is revived by writer/director Greg Mottola (Superbad, Adventureland, Paul) with Jon Hamm in the title
Jon Hamm
Being part of the impressive ensemble in Tag allowed these high-profile actors to return to their roots.
Director Edgar Wright’s (Shaun Of The Dead, Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim Vs The World) latest film Baby Driver promises to be action-packed edge-of-your-seat fun.
Take a ride with the bad and the beautiful as we chat to Baby Driver's sexy and dangerous outlaw couple.
"Baby Driver is essentially one long shredding guitar solo of a film."
Every time Kevin Spacey rhymes, we'll give this flick another half a star.
That's all the music you need, folks.
Back in 2016 we were given a tour of the Baby Driver set in Atlanta, Georgia, and had words with writer/director Edgar Wright, star Ansel Elgort and supporting player Jon