by Cain Noble-Davies

Year:  2024

Director:  Baltasar Kormákur

Rated:  M

Release:  22 August 2024

Distributor: Universal

Running time: 122 minutes

Worth: $17.17
FilmInk rates movies out of $20 — the score indicates the amount we believe a ticket to the movie to be worth

Egill Ólaffson, Palmi Kormakur, Kôki, Yôko Narahashi, Masatoshi Nakamura, Masahiro Motoki

Dialogue sparkles With warmth worth remembering

There are two versions

Of Baltazar Kormákur

Based on the language


In his native tongue

Like with The Deep and The Oath

He can stir the soul


But his English films

Everest, Adrift and Beast

Rarely survive whole


Here he returns home

But also wanders the world

Lost in memories


Elder Kristófer

Played by Egill Ólaffson

Looks for a past love


Widowed and absent

Losing grip of his mental

He looks for some hope


Recent events used

Rare case of COVID era

Feeling so timeless


Winter of the now

Drifting between his moments

Summer of the then


A young Kristófer

Played by Palmi Kormakur

Looking for his place


Living in London

Speaking Icelandic in pubs

Works with Japanese


Dialogue sparkles

With warmth worth remembering

As Kristófer lives


Falls for young Miko

A child of the atom

The cloud looms over


Memory and time

Wind around the characters

As both have to change


Memory can fail

Nostalgia is examined

Why do we recall?


Trauma holds us there

But the cycle can be stopped

If we hold the joy


It can be found here

In quests for rarest closure

Or scribed as haiku


Keep the song alive

Even if we lose the words

Carry in our hearts


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