by Cassandra Parker
Giveaways and Perks
Exclusive bonuses and perks are a tried and tested promotion method in a wide range of different industries, particularly when trying to attract new customers or foster a sense of brand loyalty. Just take online casinos, for example – many platforms offer a wide range of online casino promotions like free spins and live casino bonuses for new players, as well as daily cash drops, weekly giveaways, and free shots at daily jackpots for existing customers. In retail settings, this might translate as things like discounts and free delivery for your first order, or exclusive perks for those who sign up to their mailing list.
A similar premise can be applied to movie marketing. If a film is direct to streaming, for example, people who subscribed for updates could get exclusive previews before the film is released. Or, fans could enter a prize draw for tickets to an in-person launch event where they have the opportunity to ask questions to the cast and crew. For independent movies, the first so many viewers could receive gifted merchandise or access to behind-the-scenes footage on the set. Perhaps the most common giveaway or perk seen in the film industry, however, is branded merchandise available at certain cinema showings – in previous years, viewers of the newer Star Wars movies could purchase exclusive cups complete with a free model of the character of your choice.

Print and OOH Advertising
In the modern day, everything seems to be online. That said, this makes for a very saturated digital landscape. Despite a distinct preference for digital advertising techniques, traditional methods should not be discounted. In fact, in the US, print advertising remains one of the most trusted mediums for consumers, with 16% more respondents than more websites and 27% more than social media. And, in the UK, 58% of consumers place more trust in out of home (OOH) advertising methods like bus stop signage, bus decals, and roadside billboards than any other medium.
With this in mind, it is clear that print adverts and OOH displays are still relevant for marketing films. Perhaps the most fruitful in the context of movies are posters, billboards, and signage on buses and bus stops. Posters can be kept as collectors items, or, for dedicated fans, can be taken to conventions to be signed by the cast and crew. As for OOH advertising, this remains to be utilised by numerous films – both existing franchises and new releases alike – highlighting that this technique remains to be successful.

Final Thoughts
Whilst methods of marketing are becoming more and more digital-oriented, when it comes to movies, traditional advertising methods like promotions, perks, posters, and OOH displays continue to be relevant – and likely will well into the future, albeit with more technology being integrated into such methods for added productivity. With this in mind, it is important for film promoters to continue using these traditional advertising techniques to connect with a global audience.