Not only has it received tremendous success, but it has also touched the hearts and minds of people around the world with his shining level of honesty & love.
How did Charlie’s journey begin?
Charlie’s journey begins on June 14, 2020, at 17 years of age, when he unexpectedly lost his older brother and best friend, Lucca Francesco Di Stefano who was 18 years old. Charlie knew that he always wanted to make a film about his life, but didn’t know how to attack it. He didn’t want the film to just be about his brother’s death and the pain that comes with it. Charlie wanted their story to allow people to step back and take a new reflection on the ideas of grief and men’s mental health.
When Charlie made the move to the heart of the filmmaking world Los Angeles, he finally found the courage to start writing the script. Firstly, Charlie re-visited his speech at Lucca’s funeral back in 2020. Noticing at the time and to this day, he would often remember the memories and stories he had with Lucca growing up. Not only the beautiful ones but also the brutal and scary ones. He remembered the difficulty in writing a speech like that, ‘’How was I meant to sum up the most important relationship in my life, how was any 17 year old meant to know what to say?’’
Charlie struggled deeply with these questions and could never truly understand why he couldn’t answer it, as he had never felt that he could honestly and openly talk about grief, being a teenage boy. He described that he felt that “the conversations of death and loss were deemed to be too uncomfortable or inappropriate to talk about.” In saying that, Charlie authentically demonstrates this through his performance as he breaks down these societal norms with his breathtaking honesty as an actor and creator. Not holding back in pushing the sad truths of today’s issues with men’s mental health, while in that process helping others realise they aren’t alone.
The Success of Is This Forever & The Team
When Charlie Di Stefano started out to create this film, it was passion project. However, not only has Charlie created a community of such pure love and passion for this terrific story, he has been blessed with countless awards spanning across the globe. Receiving Six ‘’Best Short film’’ Awards (AAFTA Film Festival, best indie Film Awards, Sweden Film awards, International film awards, Hollywood Gold Awards, Festival Napoleon on champs Elysée’s in Paris) while personally also receiving five “Best Lead Actor’’ Awards (AAFTA Film Festival, Sweden Film Awards, Best Indie Film Awards, International Film Awards, Hollywood Gold Awards). While in addition there has been two Best Cinematography awards to Co-Director, Producer and Director of Photography Jonah Mazer and Two Best Supporting awards to co-star Harrison Cone.
Charlie’s professionalism as an actor has enabled him to attract a stellar cast & crew to the project. For instance, Harrison Cone who portrays Charlie’s older brother, a U.S born actor who has featured in shows such as Superstore and American Horror Story. Heidi McDonald who plays the mother of the two boys, & is also the head production design for this film, beautifully & effortlessly portrayed the character of Annie due to her years of experience in the industry and deep connection to the Di Stefano family. John Hindman, who plays the father of the boys. has worked on productions such as La La Land with Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling. He is a highly accomplished writer with his own film The Answer Man with Jess Daniels. Not only were the performances of the cast incredible, but the crew was an unstoppable force.
The Australian Premiere & U.S screening of Is This Forever, Industry Professionals arriving in full force.
In the early stages of March, Charlie Di Stefano premiered Is this Forever to a packed out 250 seat cinema at the Lido Cinema, Melbourne. All 250 tickets sold out in a matter of hours, reflecting the film’s incredibly high demand. As Charlie Di Stefano and his guests enjoyed the festivity of the night, Charlie commenced the night with an eye-opening & heart-warming speech to the audience. Charlie discussed the reasons for creating this film and why it’s so cruciall for so many communities across the globe. Charlie discussed his struggles with grief after the passing of his older brother, emphasising “when you lose something so close to you especially in age and a sibling, you feel you have opened a crack in your heart. However, no matter how hard this hurts, grief allows even the darkest times seem like the brightest of times as nothing can compare to it. So, in saying that, lets change the ideas of my brother’s story coming from sadness, and turn his story into a beautiful eternal light that shines on forever.”
What an incredibly strong and impactful message. After the film was screened, all 250 people rose from their seat to congratulate Charlie’s outstanding performance both as an actor, writer and director and creating this very personal and brave film for everyone to witness. Charlie’s message also brought the film back to the heart of where it was created, Los Angeles. The film screened at the glorious & famous TLC Chinese Theatre on Hollywood, just hours after the Australian premiere. Having been selected and nominated for a number of acting and film awards, Is This Forever was presented on a grand scale to a 500-person theatre. Enabling this film to further touch the hearts and minds of more people around the globe.
A number of industry professionals attended the Is This Forever premiere. Ranging from Casting Directors, Producers, Directors and writers. These professionals felt the potential of this film into becoming a feature film, sparking an interest in this film going even further than it already has.