By Travis Johnson
It seems to a trend now – the post-Spielbergian kid flick is back with a vengeance. Not that it ever really went away – there’s been a steady trickle ever since E.T. hit big in ’82. Right now, however, we’re getting an entire subgenre of film and TV that wear their debt to the ‘Berg on their sleeves.
Shot in Australia, director Matt Drummond’s second feature sees a lonely kid make friends with a baby dinosaur – actually the remnant of a shady military experiment. His scaly bud’s tendency to grow at an alarming rate means he can’t keep him a secret for long, and soon all manner of bedlam ensues. Starring Jordan Dulieu, Annabel Wolfe, Christopher Gabardi, and Aussie actor Tiriel Mora, My Pet Dinosaur is due in cinemas some time in 2017.