By Travis Johnson
The Real Film Festival is all about true stories: documentaries, plus features and shorts based on actual events. That makes Jungle, Greg McLean’s account three-day account of Yossi Ghinsberg’s (Daniel Radcliffe) harrowing sojourn in the Amazonian rain forest, the perfect film to inaugurate this year’s festival.
Taking place in various venues across Newcastle and Lake Macquarie, the Real Film Festival is a three day event that comprises film screenings, workshops, panel discussions, networking events and film competitions. Other films on the docket this year include the heartwarming family film Oddball, starring Shane Jacobson and Sarah Snook;firefighting drama Only the Brave, starring Josh Brolin and Miles Teller; and the fracking documentary, The Bentley Effect.
The Real Film Festival runs from October 27 – 29, 207. For full info and tickets, head for the official site.