by FilmInk Staff

“We wanted to dive into the bizarre realm of conspirituality. Where spirituality and conspiracy theories collide. Which is a sovereign citizen that believes in lizard people and sunning their own buttholes type of movement,” says Goodall, who co-writes, co-directs and co-stars in Followers. “Believe it or not, these people exist and are gaining quite the following online. Far more followers than us haha. But how’s that saying go? ‘If you can’t beat them, parody them’.”

The Followers isn’t just about laughs – it’s a cautionary tale,” adds co-writer, co-director, co-star Marc Gallagher. “It urges you to question everything and everyone, especially those you follow online. Except us. Follow us.”

The 5-episode series also starts Susie Kazda (Rostered On), Emily Taheny (Mad as Hell), Honor Wolff (Hot Department), and comedian Dave Callan. Producers Jessica Pearce (Dee-Brief) and Jessica Galea co-directed episodes 3-5, alongside Goodall & Gallagher.

Don’t be a conspiritualist, watch the series here: The Followers – YouTube
