The Killing of Two Lovers follows David (Clayne Crawford), who desperately tries to keep his family of six together during a separation from his wife, Nikki (Sepideh Moafi). They both agree to see other people but David struggles to grapple with his wife’s new relationship.

Marking the arrival of a singular talent in writer/director Robert Machoian, The Killing of Two Lovers premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, was nominated for a John Cassavetes Award at the Independent Spirit Awards, and comes courtesy of NEON, the company that brought us Parasite.

Named by Variety and IndieWire as one of the best films released in 2021, and earning Oscar buzz for its lead performance and layered sound design by Peter Albrechtsen (The Cave), The Killing of Two Lovers is an immersive, suspenseful and profound character study, which spotlights modern masculinity, parenthood and relationships in a way that will have you gripped from the first scene to surprising ending.

In cinemas September 16



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