Amazon’s Nazi hunting thriller ends with a muddled tone but earnest intention.
Yeah nah, thanks - we've got plenty of our own.
Bobby Cannavale and Shea Whigham co-star.
Karl's gonna butcher some superheroes.
It’s an absolute delight of a series: riotously funny, defiantly geeky, and big-hearted – a rare bit of alchemy by any measure.
Between the time when the oceans drank Atlantis, and the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an age undreamed of...
The Tick is big on heart and heroism, and that's what makes it special.
British actor Ricky Whittle thought he had a handle on fandom after his turn in the teen SF drama, The 100, but stepping into the role of Shadow Moon in
And he seems pretty unimpressed.
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