by Dov Kornits

A projectionist at the glorious Sun Theatre Yarraville in Melbourne, Robert Murphy has taken his passion for film into his own hands, producing, directing and editing a documentary called Splice Here, described as ‘a love letter to film – told through the eyes of documentarian and projectionist, Rob Murphy. Rob begins a childhood quest to find out what ever happened to cinema’s first (now long extinct) wide screen film process, Cinerama. Starting in Australia then expanding geographically and thematically, Rob infiltrates a projectionists underground, meeting the great champions of projected film and lesser known characters behind the scenes. We discover how the digital revolution has not just changed the way we now see movies but is becoming a very real threat to how we will remember them.’

As you can see, he has shot a great deal, but still needs to travel to the US to capture more interviews, and then to edit this sucker into shape, so that we can see it, right?! We just dropped $50 towards his goal, and encourage you to do the same here:

Check out the film’s website here, and a production blog here.

Vive Le Cinema!


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