By Travis Johnson

Well, that was quick. Everyone’s still reeling from the few-days-gone release of Luke Cage and trying to avoid talking to their friends who managed to binge the whole thing, word has come out that filming has begun on the hastily-assembled Punisher series that spun out of Daredevil Season 2. Truly, this is Marvel’s world.

Indeed, Just Jared even managed to snap a few pics of star Jon Bernthal on one of the New York City locations:

There’s a bunch more over on the site, but here’s one of Bernthal sans hoodie and cap:


In case you missed DDs2, Bernthal is The Punisher, aka Frank Castle, a war veteran turned vigilante following the murder of his family, who takes a far more final approach to freelance crime fighting than most of his fellow Marvel characters. Very little is known about the details of his upcoming solo outing, other than a) it’ll be out some time in 2017, and b) the body count is likely to be quite sobering.


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