By Travis Johnson
Of all the varied ways one could imagine to reinterpret King Kong, framing it as an Apocalypse Now pastiche is not one that leaps immediately to mind, but here we are. Warner’s upcoming Kong: Skull Island looks like it was shot by Vittorio Storraro. It also looks brilliant.
St in the ’70s (so shadows of the ’76 King Kong, which is not a good thing), Skull Island sees a mixed bag of explorers, mercenaries, scientists and John Goodman off into the wilds of an uncharted island. Regardless of what they’re searching for, what they kind is a giant, angry ape.
Tom Hiddleston, Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Toby Kebbell, John C. Reilly and the aforementioned Mr Goodman star, Jordan Vogt-Roberts directs, and Kong: Skull Island hits us in March, 2017.