In this companion piece to Ivan Sen’s masterful crime thriller, Mystery Road, indigenous detective, Jay Swan (Aaron Pedersen) arrives in the frontier town of Goldstone on a missing persons enquiry. What seems like a simple “light duties” investigation opens into web of crime and corruption. Jay must pull his life together and bury his personal differences with young local cop, Josh (Alex Russell) so together they can bring justice to Goldstone.
Goldstone is in cinemas from June 30.
Thanks to Transmission, each ClubInk member receives a double pass to this powerful Australian crime thriller.
Watch the trailer here.
Ewen are tickets for the June film of the month coming.I have seen a lof information about the film but as yet have not received my tickets. You need to communicate when they will dispatched as I wish to see the movie.
Hi Merv, passes are being sent out on Friday.
This is the 3rd month that I haven’t seen any tickets for the film of the month. This months film has already finished in my state and still haven’t seen any tickets.
Hi Lauren, we will be posting tickets to Goldstone tomorrow. We will be making it up to you with 2x tickets in July and August. Apologies for the inconvenience