by Enzo Santiago

Companies are spending dollars on smarter machines that make travel smooth and save power. So we can say that futuristic means power saving.

We are slowly moving toward automation. The world calls for automation. With new technology development, we are bringing a paradigm shift in transportation.

So let’s discuss some of the technology that revolutionizes transportation.

Top Ways Through Which Technology Revolutionizes Transportation

In this section, we discuss some key technology concepts that bring in a revolution in the traveling industry.

1. Autonomous Cars

Self-driving cars have literally brought in a revolution in the realm of autonomous vehicles. Autonomous cars use hi-tech machines and fine technoloigy like Artificial Intelligence and sensors.

Tesla and Google cars are an example of autonomous cars that have brought in changes and completely transformed your journey experience.

The ultimate aim of autonomous cars is to remove any kind of human involvement. This is beneficial from the point of view of reducing human errors and pushing for greener vehicles. Therefore, autonomous cars will become the next new normal in the days to come.

2. Light Weight Vehicle Materials

Lightweight materials in vehicles can help in serving two needs: reducing electricity consumption and increasing speed. Large-scale research is underway to use aluminium and carbon fibers.

You might have heard that the aircraft uses carbon composites to make it sturdy and lightweight. Lightweight composite materials, if used in high-speed trains and buses, will definitely reduce electricity and increase speed.

Examples can be given in the form of Shinkansen and Talgo. They are working to induct lightweight materials into the train.

According to a report by the US federal government, they are trying to induct lighter materials into their cars to reduce gas consumption each year by 2030 to a significant level.

3. Hyperloop 

The most ambitious of all the train-related technology is SpaceX’s Hyperloop. Through a series of linear induction motors and compressors, they intend to propel the vehicles at extremely high speed, for, say, 1000 mph. If it takes shape in reality, this will challenge airplanes’ autonomy.

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But the only concern is the high cost of setting up the tubes. But once it operationalizes, the high-speed tubes will carry you and your luggage through vacuum pipes at such deadly speed. Just imagining this will offer you a high thrill!

4. The Internet Of Things 

The Internet of things is another high-level technology that is still going through the pathway of development. However, if this technology develops to its potential, it will bring in a great many developments in the automobile industry.

Route Planning

Companies are trying to develop high-level sensors with GPS services using these technologies. Now with GPS services, it can track the direction and speed of the vehicle.

Well, a similar concept can be given here. If you use google maps to track your destination, use satellite, and you can track your destination.

Accident Prevention

Using sensors, vehicles can act to prevent any kind of danger. They will sense any danger in your vehicle in the beginning and provide you with information.

5. Clean And Green Machines

The automobile giants like Volkswagen, Suzuki, and others are trying to induct clean and green technology into their cars. As a result, we are all heading toward e-Vehicles. These vehicles are touted to bring in a revolution in the automobile sector.

The e Vehicles are said to reduce or cut down emissions to a negligible amount. This is the reason why companies are investing in the future. Let’s provide some facts here. First, in the USA, at least 1.8 million people have registered for e-Vehicles for the year 2020.

This denotes that people are developing awareness of the future technology to bring a change in their lifestyle. Sustainable technology is on the move, and companies, through vehicles, are trying to make their business sustainable in the days to come.

Are They Futuristic?

People are expecting to see the change in technology in the autonomous industry. But, if you look at them, they are highly futuristic.

But they have miles to go. Therefore these techniques are highly important for the new generation and sustenance.
