by Rodrigo Sanchez
The feelings of thousands of people that are gathered together in a certain venue cheering on your favourite team at the football game? The days when the only responsibilities that you had were to wake up in the early morning, hurry to get to school on time and study hard for the next test?
Our days in high school indeed have some of our fondest memories. It was a time when our life felt so normal and so complicated all at once. Here are the movies by the college research paper writing service.
Facing the Giants
From the year 2006, comes this Christian drama sports film starring Alex Kendrick as football coach Grant Taylor.
Coach Taylor is very down on his luck. With his wife (played by Shannen Fields) unable to get pregnant, the roof of his house is leaking and he is currently under fire from of school parents, this is because his team was never able to win a game during the 6 years that he has been working as the coach.
After spending the whole night in prayer, Taylor inspires confidence in his players by telling the team that they are able to win through the guidance of God.
Forever Strong
This 2008 film follows a high-school rugby star and coach’s son, played by Sean Faris.
The team culture has left much to be wanted, with the players regularly abusing alcohol and drugs. After one night of too much drinking, Rick crashes his car, and seriously injures his only girlfriend. He is then sentenced to serve his time in a detention centre for juveniles.
The Ride
Ludacris, Shane Graham and Sasha Alexander star in this 2020 movie about the life of Scottish BMX biker John Buultjens.
Marianna Buultjens and Eldridge, played by Alexander and Ludacris, are a couple that is interracial and foster parents to John, a boy in high school who grew up around white supremacists.
After failing to get in the rowing Olympic team for the second time, Abigail Brooks acquires a job as a coach for the crew at the high school she attended.
The 2012 film stars the famous James Van Der Beek of Varsity Blues fame, starring as Geoff, Brooks’ former boyfriend, who is currently the athletic director of the school.
A football high-school star’s career just got cut short when he got injured in the championship state game. After that, his college scholarship has terminated and his plan for his life has thoroughly derailed; the hero spends his 20 years as a depressed soybean farmer in a small town.
During an attempt to commit suicide, Scott was able to wake up in year 1991, the day before the huge game where he started to lose it all.