… a toothless affair that plays itself way too seriously and whose biggest crime is that it’s just not very interesting
The Exorcist
Despite the scathing reviews, and doomsayers predicting that the planned trilogy will not happen, The Exorcist sequel topped the charts, albeit with a lukewarm screen average for an opening weekend.
… safe, M-rated, teen-focused horror movie with striking imagery, decent acting and occasionally effective scares …
… a thoughtful, dark and bleak story about mental illness and faith and the sharp, merciless angles at which those two forces meet. It’s claustrophobic and grim and not exactly
A pastiche of religious horror that almost feels like a seventh instalment of the Scary Movie franchise, except that any laughs to be had are entirely unintentional.
Scary kids and our ongoing fear of children.
Why do the Oscars hate horror movies?