A warm and funny true story, Eddie The Eagle follows the realisation of the childhood dream of unlikely English icon, Michael “Eddie” Edwards, and his unflinching determination to become Great Britain’s first Olympic ski-jumper. Reluctantly aided by former ski-jumper and coach, Bronson Peary, Eddie is unwavering in his quest to reach The 1988 Calgary Winter Games, forging on despite a lack of financial backing, and constantly crashing up against a wall of doubt and negativity. He might not have become a champion, but Michael “Eddie” Edwards remains a profound example of tacit underdog spirit.

“I was a true amateur, and I embodied what the Olympic spirit is all about,” Edwards told The Smithsonian. “To me, competing was all that mattered. Americans are very much, ‘Win! Win! Win!’ In England, we don’t give a fig whether you win. It’s great if you do, but we appreciate those who don’t. The failures are the people who never get off their bums. Anyone who has a go is a success.”

Directed by Dexter Fletcher (Sunshine On Leith, Wild Bill), and starring Taron Egerton (Kingsman: The Secret Service) in the title role, and Hugh Jackman as his coach, Eddie The Eagle is an uplifting, inspirational story that celebrates the human spirit, passion, and one man’s refusal to accept defeat.


Thanks to Twentieth Century Fox, each ClubInk member receives a double pass to this uplifting true story.


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