Despite being an empowering tale of triumph, the best aspects of this film are its beauty and its restraint.
As raw action spectacle, it is fantastic, with a sense of size that highlights what the ‘Filmed for IMAX’ signifier should look like.
… too vacuous and manipulative to feel like it’s worth the time spent engaging with it.
Basic jokes, one-note characters, decent animation; the kind of material you’d expect to show up out of nowhere on streaming.
… plays the audience like a woodwind, creating sharp gasps with its horror just to pull the air right back out again with its humour.
[Chalamet’s] performance alone is worth the price of the ticket.
Though Larraín’s film fails to present a deep, fully-fleshed Maria, the ghost it offers instead proves, in her grief, a grimly enthralling figure.
It’s not a bad film, but it doesn’t do anything you haven’t seen done better before …
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