by Dov Kornits
Box Office Report: 7 – 10 March 2024
You only live once, right?! Sony's last minute release YOLO, a Chinese comedic drama, smashed the screen average this weekend. Speaking of, included here is the top 21, to illustrate the impressive growing gross and deceptive screen average for indie Australian doco The Trust Fall, which has capitalised on Julian Assange topicality and galvanised the fist-pumping keyboard warriors (and detractors) for a $1k+ screen average despite a max of 3 screenings at participating cinemas - when Dune is playing 10+ times/day in most cinemas, that's quite the achievement. Apart from that, new releases Cabrini (from the makers of Sound of Freedom, who couldn't make lightning strike twice) and How to Have Sex both disappointed, coming in at #23 and #34 respectively.