Review: Be Here Now (The Andy Whitfield Story)

May 9, 2016

In Review, Theatrical, This Week by Cara NashLeave a Comment

“…powerful, heartbreaking and deeply inspiring.
Josef Arbiv
Year: 2015
Rating: NA
Director: Lilibet Foster

Andy Whitfield, Vashti Whitfield, Jai Courtney

Distributor: TUGG (
Released: In cinemas now
Running Time: 100 minutes
Worth: $18.00

FilmInk rates movies out of $20 — the score indicates the amount we believe a ticket to the movie to be worth

…powerful, heartbreaking and deeply inspiring.

Andy Whitfield was best known for his role as the titular character in the TV series, Spartacus: Blood And Sand. As Spartacus, Whitfield established a character of indomitable spirit and courage, a man who would stop at nothing to conquer the gladiatorial arena. Here, as himself, we see that Whitfield was just as fierce, and just as determined, to fight and stand victorious. Directed by Oscar winner, Lilibet Foster, Be Here Now (The Andy Whitfield Story) chronicles the harrowing journey of the young actor after being diagnosed with cancer. It is powerful, heartbreaking, and deeply inspiring.

Granted virtually unfettered access, Foster situates us as a fly on the wall for much of the film, while video logs and interviews fill in the details. We are privy to intensely personal and private moments. From the calls that inform Andy and his loving wife, Vashti, of the continued spreading of the disease, and the seemingly endless rounds of chemotherapy, to an impromptu trip to India to experiment with alternative forms of treatment, the struggle that we witness is staggeringly intimate.

It’s this struggle, however, that prompts Andy to truly embrace the phrase tattooed on his forearm, and the source of the film’s title: “Be Here Now.” It may seem like just another clichéd sentiment about living for the moment, but Andy and Vashti embody it. It is something that, perhaps, can help us comprehend the couple’s extraordinary ability to roll with the punches and continue fighting. And so, after following their incredible journey, when the inevitable comes, we’re left not merely lamenting the loss of an exceptionally talented and affectionate man, but also inspired; inspired to live life to its fullest and take the challenges that come our way in our stride. Be Here Now is incredibly moving and a piece of work that deserves to be seen by all because this is a disease that affects all.

Be Here Now (The Andy Whitfield Story) is now playing nationally in cinemas thanks to the cinema on demand platform, TUGG. Everyday Australians with a passion for a movie topic are able to hold their own screening of the movie, and then sell tickets via their social media networks and reap 5% of the box office. People simply need to request a screening at TUGG


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