… a daring film that not only explores queerness from a Non-Western perspective but also challenges the norms of how LGBT characters are portrayed in mainstream media. It's a joy
Queer Screen Mardi Gras Film Festival
Fun and breezy, Truly Terrific Absolutely True is as flashy and flimsy as one of Liza’s trademark sequin dresses.
… an intimate and joyful portrait of Canada’s self-proclaimed “gayest family”, weaving together three generations of lesbian love stories that challenge our expectations of what family can look like.
…. harsh, spiky, and quite off-putting on the surface, but cracking it open reveals a lot of tenderness and even fleeting sweetness.
… captivating performances, heartfelt writing, and atmospheric warmth surrounding all these intertwining stories of hard-won happiness.
Beautifully played by an entirely female led cast, the story takes great strides in challenging the traditional definitions of family, while at the same time keeping the core narrative simple,
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