... generic and aimless.
Those familiar with the series will get a kick out of seeing supporting faces fleshed out, while newcomers can safely get lost in a world that is equal parts goofy
… delivers the kind of petrichor high fantasy that has no business being as rare as it is nowadays …
… an affectionate portrayal of the trials and triumphs of overcoming social anxiety with a head-nodding backbeat.
... manages to be engaging on both a story level, and as an action-packed battleground where the conflicts might be with avatars and pixels, but the consequences feel all too
… a fun and electrifying superhero caper, balancing lighthearted humour with some interesting statements on the nature of heroism and what it means to wield true power.
Maybe, maybe, if you can roll with the tonal sluggers and the tacit endorsement of the toxic behaviour being exhibited, this could be a decent Bad Movie Night pick.
Making anime that stands out visually is no easy feat. Yet, that is what Itazu Yoshimi has achieved with his first film, The Concierge. A charming 69-minute feature, adapted from
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