Tenacious Stories is thrilled to unveil a crowdfunding initiative for the upcoming feature film “The Returned.” This heartfelt drama delves into the intimate odyssey of grief and loss, as three siblings grapple with their emotions while reuniting at their mother’s side during her final hours.

This campaign is a significant step in bringing this moving story to life, currently supported by Salvos Stores and the Quest For Life Foundation, we invite you to join us in making it a reality. Your support will make a difference in sharing this powerful narrative with audiences worldwide.

Find out more and Donate: https://artists.australianculturalfund.org.au/s/project/a2E9q000000G7k9

Ben Pfeiffer, Australian Writer/Director, draws inspiration for this film from his own life experiences, crafting stories that delve into the profound, human connections inherent in each of his creations. With 15 directorial credits and an impressive track record of nine screenwriting awards, Ben’s work is a testament to his unwavering focus on the delicacy of the human experience.

Ben’s journey with grief began with the simultaneous threat of cancer diagnoses for both his parents in 2005, leading to profound contemplation and, ultimately, a deeply personal understanding of the complex and individualized nature of the grieving process. This experience, particularly his father’s terminal illness and the diverse coping strategies of his siblings, served as the catalyst for ‘The Returned,’ a film born from these deeply emotional and reflective moments.

The film unfolds in three distinct segments, each revisiting the pivotal moments surrounding the passing of Vianne, the mother. Viewers are taken through the same series of events, but this time through the unique lenses of the adult children, as they navigate their unique paths through grief, offering contrasting emotional journeys.

Nestled within the idyllic and deeply moving landscape of Wannon in rural Victoria, “The Returned” has enlisted the support of local filmmakers, artists, and businesses, along with the collaboration of Melbourne-based creatives. Joining the ranks include an accomplished cast, including Louise Siversen in the role of Vianne, the quintessential mother and family matriarch. Edwina Wren brings to life the pragmatic and unsentimental character of Connie, who shows love through action rather than words. Ben Pfeiffer portrays Quinn, a character desperate to maintain family unity, and Dushan Philips plays Amal, the impulsive youngest child.

With the aim of raising $25,000 for production, the Australian Cultural Fund Campaign will provide the essential means to ensure that award-rate wages, as well as provisions for catering, transportation, accommodation, and film equipment rental, are met.

Every contribution, regardless of the amount, plays a pivotal role in the realization of this emotionally charged and universally relatable film hitting the big screen. We also extend our search for partners and sponsors who share in our vision for this project. Your support and involvement are highly valued.

Donations can be made via the Australian Cultural Fund with all donations over $2 being tax-deductible. The campaign will run until 17th Dec 2023.

Click the link to donate: https://artists.australianculturalfund.org.au/s/project/a2E9q000000G7k9

Filming is slated to commence in January 2024.
