COUNTRYMAN was directed and co-produced by Peter Pecotić, an Australian with Croatian heritage whose late father gave initial inspiration for the film and Joseph Williams, an Australian First Nations Warumungu artist also with Croatian heritage. The Australian Embassy event provided an opportunity to reflect, respect and celebrate with all those who attended.

Joseph Williams said: “It’s very significant that our story has been selected and screened by the Australian Embassy in Zagreb to such an audience in the Country of my paternal heritage. I hope to come and visit there later this year”.

Peter Pecotić said: “We’re so moved that our film is in some way celebrating the friendship and strong connections binding Australia and Croatia. We hope the audience gains a better understanding of the rich and diverse tapestry of First Nations, Immigrant, and contemporary Australian culture & identity”.

The documentary begins with an epic 10,000km road trip around Australia in search of descendants of Croatian migrants. The story takes an unexpected turn when we meet a proud Warumungu artist, Joseph Williams, also with Croatian heritage from his long-lost father. The ensuing friendship and cultural exchange results in an astounding reunion between Joseph and his Croatian heritage and through this journey gaining a deeper understanding of Warumungu culture and identity.

Premier screenings were also hosted on the Dalmatian island of Korčula which has a significant connection to the documentary, and a rich migration history with Australia. The screenings were organised by local councils and cultural centres and were held in the town of Korčula, and villages of Blato and Smokvica.

The screenings attracted extensive press coverage with the Croatian media with a great interest in gaining a better understanding of Australia’s First Nations cultures and the descendants of Croatian migration including a 10-minute section on Croatian’s highest rating morning show: Dobro Jutro Hrvatska.

The Croatian Government has provided funding towards a Q&A Cinema Roadshow of the documentary around Australia to urban and remote communities and the film will also be broadcast on Croatian National television later this year.
